Security and Online Degrees
thing you want to make sure of when considering degrees online is that
the sites offer security and privacy. Some colleges and schools online
offer various degrees, yet if you read the privacy of the site the
information provided clearly tells you that they may use your
information for marketing purposes. This is one of the reasons why
identity theft occurs.
Cookies are one of
the technical tools that put your information at risk while surfing
online. Cookies are shreds of data, which is stored on computers, and
the cookies tie personal information pertaining to the computer owner,
or users. Cookie shreds are found to have a connection with sharing.
Thus, schools that clearly state that they do not use your cookies to
sell, lease, give away, or else rent is reliable sources and secure
sites often. Unrelenting Cookies are the worst cookies on a hard drive
and to remove them is wise since the cookies will remain on a computer
as a text file for a length of time.
To disable
unrelenting cookies go to the Tools at the upper portion of Internet
Explorer, click Internet Options, Privacy and the Advance tab. At the
Advance tab, click Prompt so that the box is checked. This option will
enable your computer when visiting sites to prompt you on acceptance of
cookies. If you choose not to accept, the cookies click no and
I have provided a
few technical tactics to help you avoid risks on the World Wide Net.
While this is merely one area for providing security to your computer
and personal information, other methods should be considered. Visiting
online schools put you at risk, since anytime you visit site online
slices of your information is stored.
It is wise to avoid
giving out any personal information to schools online unless you know
the site is secured. Giving out information will only put you at risk,
especially if the school does not guarantee your privacy and security.
Now you can start
searching for your degree online. Depends what you are searching for,
but various degrees are available online. Of course, you will need a
diploma to start school, otherwise you will need to visit the schools
online that offer degrees or diplomas or its equivalent.
Schools online that
tell you that you can earn a Bachelor's in less time are questionable
only if the school does not require that you have an Associates degree
to earn your bachelors. Anytime you attend a University online or not,
you will be holding an Associates degree, otherwise you will not get in
the door. This is part of security while earning degrees online, since
you become aware of educational expectations.
Schools online
reluctantly helping you to find financial assistance should also become
a security issue. Schools and colleges are equipped to help you find
monetary assistance to pay for your education. The schools online that
request you pay the school monthly installments and offer no financial
assistance are questionable. Still, some schools may offer security
even if no assistance is available since the courses are affordable.
Penn Foster is one
of the online schools that offer guaranteed privacy and security of
your information while considering degrees online. The school offers
degrees in automotive, trade, business, technology, legal studies,
diploma programs, creative/design, engineering, education, health
services, and so forth. The school offers specialized associate's
Penn also offer
courses in bridal consultant, auto detailer, carpentry, child
psychology, diesel mechanics, drafting, bookkeeping, business
management, dog obedience trainer or instructor, criminal justice,
computer graphic artist, and more.
We can stop
here since there is something I want to point out about this school
online. Penn offers degrees in Criminal Justice and the student can
save around four hundred while enrolling in the course now. The basic
monthly installment plans reach up to $85 based on your financial
situation. The semester earning an ASB degree will cost around
“$960” and the tuition will cost around $725. You pay a
registration fee, credit application and tech fee, plus shipping fees,
which factors the balance. Now, if you attend Colorado Tech holding an
Associates you will pay around $15,000 for a degree in Criminal Justice.