Joint Venture
Set up a joint venture with your competition
if you can't beat them. You could agree to work
together to beat the other competition then share
the profits. For example, you could create a
product together that you both could promote or
you both could share advertising costs to promote
your businesses together.
Visit chat rooms where your potential customers
would gather. You can lurk and do market research
or mention your product to people. For example,
you may read many of the same posts about wanting
to learn more about e-book marketing. So, right
there would be a good product idea.
Make your web site “sticky” by building a large
directory of web sites your visitors would enjoy.
It saves them precious time searching for them. For
example, if your target audience is interested in
online greeting cards, create a web site directory
full of links to similar sites.
Start a free-to-join business association from
your web site. Just ask all members to place your
association logo and link on their web site. For
example, if you had 1000 members, that would be
1000 people indirectly promoting your web site
without paying them affiliate commissions.
Make extra revenue by selling advertising space
on your web site, in your e-zine, in your free e-books,
on your classified ad site, etc. For example, you
could have a list of all the spaces your visitors could
advertise and the price of each space.
Switch your marketing plan when your market
dies for your product. Be flexible and redesign your
product for a different market. For example, if your
e-book is about starting an accounting business, you
could rewrite it for a gardening business.
Make your web site worth revisiting. Give your
visitors original content, free e-books, information
web site links, free useful software, etc. For
example, if thousands of other web sites are pro-
moting the same free e-book and that's what you're
promoting too, people are likely to have already
downloaded it and won't visit your web site.
Build your opt-in e-mail list using an FFA (free-
for-all links page). People can submit links to your
links page and you can send them a thank you e-mail.
For example, you could say, "Thanks for placing a
link on my web site. I would also like to tell you
about a new product we just released…"
Reward your customers for giving you product
feedback. It could be discounted products, useful
software, information products, etc. For example,
you could say, "Anyone who gives us helpful feed-
back on how to improve our product will get a free
business e-book."